Introduction to Machine Learning

Mario Sanchez

Mario Sanchez

· 2 min read
Introduction to machine learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) is a part of Artificial Intelligence (AI) where computers learn to do tasks better without someone telling them exactly what to do. Instead of being programmed step by step, computers use data and learn from it to get better at a task over time.

Basic Concepts:

1. Data

In machine learning, everything starts with data. Algorithms learn from this data to figure out patterns and then use that knowledge to make predictions or decisions.

2. Features and Labels

Features are the input variables or attributes used to make predictions. Labels are the output or the target variable that the model aims to predict.

3. Training and Testing

The learning process involves training a model on a dataset, where it learns patterns and relationships. The model is then tested on a separate dataset to evaluate its performance.

In simple terms, in Machine Learning, a computer learns by practicing on a set of examples. It figures out patterns and connections from these examples. After that, we check how well it does on a different set of examples to see if it learned correctly.

4. Supervised Learning

In supervised learning, the model is trained on a labeled dataset, meaning that it learns from input-output pairs. It aims to generalize from the training data to make predictions on new, unseen data.

In simple terms, the computer learns from a set of examples where we already know the answers. It studies these examples to make predictions about new, unknown data.

5. Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning involves finding patterns in unlabeled data. Clustering and dimensionality reduction are common tasks in unsupervised learning. meaning, we look for patterns in data that doesn't have labels. Tasks like grouping similar things together (clustering) and simplifying data (dimensionality reduction) are examples of what we do in unsupervised learning.

6. Types of Models

In machine learning, there are different types of models like linear regression, decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks. Each type is good for solving different kinds of problems.

Mario Sanchez

About Mario Sanchez

Mario is a Staff Engineer specialising in Frontend at Vercel, as well as being a co-founder of Acme and the content management system Sanity. Prior to this, he was a Senior Engineer at Apple.

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